
Hey there! I’m Jessi. I’m 21 years old. I am a senior at Texas A&M University. I am currently getting a Bachelor’s of Science in health and planning on getting a second degree in nursing after I graduate. My goal in life is to stay positive no matter what, even though I struggle with that sometimes. I’m a lover of many things. Just to give you an example, I have watched all 10 seasons of FRIENDS probably 20 times, nothing makes me more excited than seeing animals, I love any excuse to shop till I drop, fashion and make up is a serious hobby, I am passionate about my football teams (the Texans and the Aggies), studying history and watching documentaries will keep me entertained for hours, finding really good books to read makes me way too excited and I am pretty much a house flipper because I watch HGTV so much. And let’s not forget, lunch dates with my cousins and best friends keep me sane. I am starting a blog to express my love for things (which is a lot as you can see) and to share the struggles I go through not only as a college student but as an overly emotional 21 year old that is supposed to have her life together. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Reminder: I am a health major, not an English major. Writing is not my forte so ignore my typos or weirdly worded sentences. This is my blog anyways. I make my own rules.. right?!

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